



Sunday 03/13 13:00


cinema Frosina foyer, 1th flr

Origin Countries



One can

One can

Една може! започна во 2014 година како женско движење за трансформација на стереотипните видувања во однос на еднородителските семејства и...

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United against violence against women

United against violence against women

Аr tists


FEMALE ROOM | presentations


One Can!

In the struggle for decent life as a single mother I decided to initiate the creation of this group for selfhelp for single-parent families. My goal was not only to gather everyone of interest in one place and tell each other what is troubling or depressing us, but most importantly to take action. To get to the heart of our everyday ordeals by reconsidering our actions in this society, to be constructive and to fight actively for the elementary rights and specific needs of the single-parent families.

United against violence against women

The project “United against violence against women” was created by four young women from Macedonia, Croatia and Montenegro, at the spring school for “Gender democracy” enabled by “Balkans let’s get up!” The main reasons that got us united into creating and implementing this project were the awareness that the problem of violence against women is present in the Balkans and that the women are passive and afraid to talk about this issue, the personal motivation as women and young people, and of course the responsibility that we felt to include ourselves into the dealing with this problem. The project’s main goals were: to prevent the violence against women, to raise awareness of the existence of the problem, and to strengthen and encourage young women.
