Performance “Naked Life” by Olja Grubikj (ViaNegativa, Ljubljana)

Naked female figures are looking for a place in the audience, on stage, along the walls of the venue. The show is dominated by grinding vegetables; performers grate carrots, zucchini and cucumbers in sexually marked positions. Woman as a housewife and sexual object in a single act. At the same time, fragments of the performer’s mental stream unfold on the soundtrack. The performance is conceived by Olja Grubić.


‘Naked Life’ invites us to rethink what it means to be a living species in a living world, to have a body, conditions of existence, and possibility of life? Ideology is not the answer. Life is beyond that. Through poetic language, “Naked Life” visualizes the intimacy of the living presence of the human body and the dynamic between its physical, mental and emotional existence.


After each performance, the performers write their own stream of thoughts that arise during the scene of grating vegetables. 




Idea and concept: Olja Grubić

Performers: Olja Grubić, Anita Wach, Kristina Aleksova, Sara Horžen, Anja Novak, Ena Kurtalić, Lana Zdravković

Music: Eduardo Raon; contains also fragments from works by Gustav Mahler: Das Lied Von Der Were – Der Abschied and C. P. E. Bach: Solfeggietto

Visual design: Olja Grubić

Artistic direction: Bojan Jablanovec

Producer: Špela Trošt

Public relations: Sara Horžen