Who gave the Bishop the concession for television to "entertain" citizens with a dangerous, destructive and poisonous ideology against women?

The Platform for Gender Equality, an independent and informal network of Macedonian civil society organizations for women's rights consisting of 28 organizations and networks that work together to promote gender equality in the Republic of Macedonia, we are deeply concerned by the recent statement of Bishop Petar regarding the rights of women and their position in modern society. While we respect his right to his own opinions and beliefs, we cannot accept that feminism is a dangerous and destructive ideology. Gender equality is a basic human right that is embedded in the international legal framework and is essential for the creation of an equal society. Women and girls around the world continue to face systemic discrimination and marginalization, and the feminist movement, led by women and allies, has a key role to play in challenging harmful gender norms by advocating for gender equality.

Statements like Bishop Petar's only serve to perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and reinforce discrimination against women. By suggesting that women who demand their rights should be prepared to perform multiple duties, Bishop Petar is essentially arguing that women should be punished for standing up for their rights. This is not only profoundly unfair, but also contrary to the principles of equality and justice that we all strive to uphold.

We request the Head of the MOC OA Mr. Stefan and the Holy Synod of Bishops of the MOC OA-Justiniana to release Mr. Petar from the duty of Metropolitan and his complete dissolution due to violation of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia and violation of basic human rights and freedoms.

This request stems from the incorrigibility of Metropolitan Peter in his behavior, with which he utters retrograde and anti-civilization attitudes that are contrary to Christianity as a religion.

At the same time, we request to activate the decision of the SAS of the MOC on the dismissal of Metropolitan Mr. Petar, adopted by the Synod under the presidency of Mr. Gavril, which is executory and entered into force on the date of adoption, June 14, 1990.

We would like to remind Bishop Petar that women's rights are human rights and that feminism and the fight for women's equality and equal opportunities is key to creating a just society. Instead of condemning the feminist movement and blaming it for social issues, we should work together to create a society that embraces diversity, promotes equality and ensures access to equal opportunities for all individuals.